Anybody can have their ID stolen, but could your habits make you a more likely victim? Here are seven things many of us do that put you at a higher risk of becoming a victim of identity theft.

I know what you’re thinking: “I’m young, I’m web-savvy, I don’t need to worry about identity theft.” But, street smarts alone may not protect you from every identity theft trap. This stuff can happen to anybody!

So, here are seven signs that you may be at-risk.

Note: This article kicks off a three-part series on Money Under 30 featuring simple steps you can take to protect your most precious virtual asset—your identity!

1. I use an easy-to-remember password or the same username and password for multiple websites

Identity thieves can capture your information in myriad ways. Increasingly, thieves steal your ID online via malware they secretly install on your computer. That’s why it’s critical to use passwords that are hard to guess (especially for any financial websites) and to never use the same password for more than one critical account.

Never use your address, birthday, relative’s names, or any other easy-to-guess password. If you’re using the same password or easy-to-remember passwords, change them today!

2. I have sent e-mails containing financial information or one of my usernames or passwords

E-mail is not secure. It’s safe to assume that somebody else could read anything you send over e-mail (on a personal or work account).

Hackers can break into e-mail accounts and even intercept e-mails in transmission. That’s why you should never e-mail financial passwords or other details (even to yourself). There is precious little privacy with e-mail.

3. It’s been more than three months since I checked my own credit reports

Sophisticated identity thieves don’t just steal credit card numbers and make purchases; they actually open up new loans using stolen credit profiles. If this happens, thieves can rack up tens of thousands of dollars of charges in your name. (And guess what: They’re not going to pay them back!)

The only way to detect and stop this kind of identity theft is to monitor your own credit report regularly. You can either pay for an identity theft protection subscription to do this or you can check your credit for free every few months.

You can check your credit for free with Credit Karma or Credit Sesame .And, TransUnion has a great credit monitoring product.

4. I carry my social security number in my wallet

Your social security number is the “gateway” to your identity and your credit. Without it, thieves will have a hard time establishing credit in your name. If they get it, however, you just wrote them a blank check. N

ever carry your social security card in your wallet, and make sure other cards you carry (like a student ID, driver’s license, or health insurance card) do not contain your social security number. Only give this number out when absolutely necessary.

5. If my bank called or e-mailed me, I would feel comfortable sharing information with them about my accounts

Your banks will never ask for identifying information like your password or account number when they call or e-mail you. Never. They already have this information. They may ask for other information like your name, but if somebody is asking for account numbers or passwords via e-mail or phone, it’s not your bank.

Identity thieves are pretty clever and can create e-mails and 800 numbers that may appear to be your bank. Never ever give out this information to somebody who calls or e-mails.

6. I pay my credit cards automatically and rarely review my monthly statements

Paperless statements and online bill-pay makes it possible to almost forget about our monthly bills, which can be a great way to avoid paying your bills late. But, just because you don’t get credit card statements in the mail, however, does not mean you shouldn’t check them! Always review your credit card statements every month and be on the lookout for charges you don’t think you made. Report them to your card company immediately. Or, many credit card companies have apps that have your statement online, so it’s easy to check.

Check your bank account details at least once a week. Although you have 60 days to report fraudulent credit card transactions to avoid liability, you may only have seven days to report fraudulent debit card transactions. If you don’t, you may end up losing any money the thieves took.

7. I keep my checkbook, bank statements, or debit card PIN somewhere others could find them

Last but not least, do not keep sensitive documents in accessible locations. If possible, destroy any written documentation of your debit card PIN (that’s one to commit to memory).

Secondly, guard your checkbooks! Each check contains your bank account and routing numbers—all an identity thief needs to set up an electronic transfer of funds out of your account and into his.


Anyone could be a victim of identity theft, but your everyday habits could make you a more likely victim. These seven things that many of us do could put you at a higher risk of becoming a victim of identity theft.

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